AMP Concerts offers innovative and inspiring arts programming throughout New Mexico. A portion of all AMP ticket sales goes to fund free community concerts, workshops, school programs & artist residencies.
Discovery Shows | Artist Residencies | Latin | World Music | Folk | Blues | Reggae | Americana | Tumbleroot | Lensic | FUSION | Santa Fe Opera | Open Space Programs
OUTREACH - Andrea Magee & Music Helps
March 7thJesse Dayton
March 7thJesse Dayton
March 9thAltan
March 12thRonnie Baker Brooks
March 13thNani Vazana
March 14thRonnie Baker Brooks
March 14thNani Vazana
March 14thLúnasa
March 18thGoodnight, Texas
March 19thGoodnight, Texas
March 20thK.Flay
March 25thK.Flay
March 25thDavid Wilcox
March 27thDavid Wilcox
March 28thYagody
March 29thJohn Splithoff
March 30thYagody
March 31stScott & Johanna Hongell-Darsee
April 5thThe Glass Hours
April 8thThe Glass Hours
April 9thMatt Andersen
April 11thNefesh Mountain
April 11thNefesh Mountain
April 12thMatt Andersen
April 12thRight in the Eye
April 18thArkansauce - NEW DATE!
April 19thThe Martin Sexton Abbey Road Show
May 10thThe Martin Sexton Abbey Road Show
May 11thProyecto Cumbion with 123 Andres
May 11thZoë Keating (New Date)
May 13thJoe Abercrombie
May 15thCris Williamson
May 15thCris Williamson
May 16thThe Young Dubliners
May 16thLuciane Dom
June 3rdAndrea Magee's She Rises
July 18thAlasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas
September 24thAlasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas
September 25thLuca Stricagnoli
November 21stauthor event Events

AMP Concerts, Bookworks and the Albuquerque Public Library Foundation present
Joe Abercrombie
in Conversation with George R.R. Martin
KiMo Theatre |
Thursday • May 15th 6:00pm |
All Ages